Do you have a Mold problem? PART 2
4/22/2022 (Permalink)

If you suspect that your property may have mold, what can you do? If you cannot see mold and cannot smell mold but you really have concerns and want to investigate further, know that mold needs three things to develop and grow indoors.
For mold to grow and thrive it needs:
- Water or moisture (condensation, dripping, leaking, or flooding water)
- Organic materials (wood, paper, etc.)
- The right temperatures (avg. species - between 55-85 degrees Fahrenheit)
All three of these are needed, if numbers 2. and 3. are present without number 1., mold cannot flourish.
You could be dealing with dormant mold that would activate once water is re-introduced… Is any moisture present? Did you experience a water leak at some point recently or in the past?
Was there a toilet overflow, bathtub overflow, shower drain backup, flooding from a washing machine, or leaking from your dishwasher? Or do you hear dripping from pipes inside walls, could a water supply line have a pin-sized leak, could the A/C condenser unit be dripping, is there a roof or ceiling leak, or could outdoor water sprinklers be hitting up against the house repeatedly and water barrier materials are worn away? Check the plumbing under kitchen and bathroom vanity sinks.
If you find nothing, you can call our team if you have questions. Our recommendation may be to schedule our technician to come out to your property and perform a mold air and surface sampling. In a few days, the lab report will give either you an all-clear or indicate an issue. If a mold problem is discovered, we can assist with getting the leak repaired, drying out the wet building materials, and removing the areas affected by mold in a safe and healthy manner for your protection by using the protocol set by the IICRC. Don’t wait, call now.