Four Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Health
4/16/2020 (Permalink)

None of us ever wants to be sick. Feeling bad, missing work and expensive co-pays, prescriptions and Dr. visits that may or may not help can be miserable. Some illnesses cannot be avoided but for others, prevention is truly the best method.
Four ways to improve your health
1. Improve and Practice Good Hygiene – The Mayo clinic has a video to watch on how to properly wash your hands since our goal is to prevent spreading disease. Also, they have a Hand-washing Do’s and don’t’s since hand-washing is a simple way to stay healthy. Their recommendation of forming good hand-washing habits can play a key role in protecting your health. The other component is understanding after which daily tasks this is required. Living through this pandemic, we must be alert to hand-washing constantly throughout the day.
2. Get Plenty of Sleep – For our bodies to repair and replenish our cells, we must get adequate rest regularly. Here are six helpful tips for better sleep.
3.Make The Best Food Choices – Good nutrition is required for good health so eating a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and small lean portions of protein will help optimize your body. Possibly minimize your intake of sugar, salt and fats to avoid health risks. Include the drinking of lots of water to stay hydrated. Also, watch portions and eat only until full. Only cook in a clean environment with clean utensils and surfaces to avoid cross-contamination and beware of eating foods not properly washed, past their prime or under-cooked to avoid running the risk of food poisoning.
4. Get Regular Physical Activity – Choose a fun activity and stick with it. Several diseases are linked to immobility such as stroke, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes. The many benefits such as better sleep, stronger bones & muscles and lowering your risk of depression, by staying physically active make all the effort well worth it.
Since the coronavirus outbreak, we have all been concerned with our health and safety and one of our favorite quotes from the bible pertaining to what we are experiencing now is “the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself’. – Proverbs 22.3
Try putting these guidelines into practice to improve your health. SERVPRO of West Covina remains open to help out with all specialty cleaning needs, including disinfecting for areas infected with the coronavirus. Contact us today for details!