Meet our Unique Office Cat that keeps our SERVPRO Team a Happy One
4/18/2019 (Permalink)

For a happy work environment that motivates both creativity and productivity consider bringing a family pet to work every day.
Studies have shown workplace stress can begin to cause a negative vibe eventually leading to irritability and ultimately unhappy team members. Having in our instance an office cat around on a daily basis prevents employee burnout because it reduces stress and anxiety which actually improves work productivity. The USC Psychology Department researched the topic and lists several benefits to bringing pets to work. Improving work-life balance by providing comic relief and giving short respites to heavy tasks and projects many of which can zap energy or take quite an emotional toll, depending. Having them by our side lowers blood pressure, makes us happy, relaxes, reduces stress, lessens trips to the doctor, improves teamwork and employee satisfaction. Employers benefit as much as boosting employee morale does and gives our pets much more attention and time. From our personal experience, our opinion is that cats, dogs, birds or fish should be a part of every workplace. Our hairless dwarf cat’s name is Jedda. Check out another adorable portrait and her brief bio under our About Us, Our Employees section. She is listed as one of our own as Jedda is a fun part of our team!